GP Playbook
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GP Playbook
Keys for Next Generation Managers
Launched through an anchor commitment from CalPERS, TPG NEXT provides strategic minority capital and custom operational support to help emerging managers establish, build, and scale their firms. We want to use the power of our platform – including our capital, network, and 30-plus year track record of business building – to accelerate the growth and de-risk the success of the next generation of alternative investment managers.
Launching a fund isn’t easy. It’s even harder when you don’t have access to the circles, networks, and pathways that have traditionally defined success in the alternatives space. We designed this open-source playbook to demystify GP formation, providing investor entrepreneurs with a behind-the-curtain look into the strategies and tactics that go into launching a business.
Scroll down for centralized expertise, best practices, and actionable insights.
Managerial Best Practices
Define your Strategy
When you can define A and B, they combine to deliver C: your differentiator. Launching a fund begins with a clear articulation of your strategy – know your capabilities and mandate, and develop a concise and compelling message for what makes you unique.
Investors will seek to test your differentiation to assess what will ultimately sustain your competitive advantage. They will also compare your strategy to their existing manager relationships to gauge how complementary and/or additive your fund is to their other investments.
What is your background? What are your capabilities?
Where are you seeing opportunities? What is your investment strategy?
CCompetitive Advantage
What is the market opportunity and why are you well positioned to capture it?
Operational Best Practices
Build your Firm
- Who is on the leadership team?
- Who owns the management company?
- Who are the full-time professionals (investors, operators, administrators)?
- Who are the part-time professionals (advisors, executive network)?
- How is everyone compensated?
- What is everyone’s prior work history together?
- How are the team members’ skill sets complementary to one another?
- What outstanding hiring needs remain?
- Where is everyone based?
- Have there been any key departures?
- What is your investment asset class?
- What sector(s) do you invest in?
- What is your targeted investment geography?
- What is your fund size?
- What is your targeted equity commitments per investment?
- What is the fund’s targeted number of investments?
- What is the fund’s targeted ownership percentage per investment?
- What is your expected loss ratio?
- What are your underwriting targets?
- How do you intend to achieve your underwriting targets?
- How do you source investments?
- Who sources investments?
- How many investments have you sourced in the last year?
- How do you determine which investments to advance?
- How many investment opportunities are discussed at Investment Committee each month?
- On average, how many times are investments discussed at Investment Committee before making investment decisions?
- Who is on your Investment Committee?
- How does the Investment Committee make investment decisions?
- Does anyone on your team have veto rights on investment decisions?
- What are examples of opportunities you have passed on? Missed?
Track Record
- How much capital have you managed previously?
- How many investments have you managed previously?
- Over what time period and at what organization(s) did you invest previously?
- How does the prior investment activity differ from and/or relate to the proposed investment strategy?
- Do you have attribution on your prior investment activity?
- Who can provide references to attest to your prior investments?
- Which deal is most representative of your go-forward investment strategy?
- Which prior investment represents your biggest lesson learned?
- Are there parts of your track record you have omitted?
- How would you rate your track record?
- What is your management fee?
- What is your carried interest?
- How is your waterfall structured?
- How long is your investment period?
- Who are your key person(s)?
- What is your hard cap?
- Who is on your LPAC?
- What is your GP commitment?
- When is your upcoming close?
- Who are your biggest LPs?
Questions for LPs
- What is the size of your alternatives program?
- How many people manage the program?
- How are the investment decisions made?
- How many new managers has the program backed in the last 5 years?
- How many existing managers has the program
re-committed to over the last 12 months? - Is there any current appetite for new GP relationships?
- What are the key criteria for investment?
- Is there an emphasis on diverse-led firms at your program?
- Have you had any discontinued GP relationships in the program over the last 5 years?
- Does the program separate decisions across alternatives?
Seeding Considerations
Customize Your Partnerships
Historically, managers relied on primary or direct LP commitments to raise their funds. As the alternatives industry has grown, new strategies and tools have emerged. Today, GPs and LPs have multiple avenues for accessing and investing capital.
Primary or Anchor Commitments
LP invests directly in your fund
LP invests in specific asset alongside you; success can help lead to fund commitments and longer-term partnerships
Liquidity tool that involves purchase of existing asset or interest
GP Stakes / Seeding
Partnering with a third party that takes a minority ownership stake in your GP
More than half of large private equity firms have engaged in GP stakes, with third party ownership outpacing the rate at which new firms are launching. In addition to capital, these partnerships – often referred to as seeding in the case of new managers – provide emerging GPs access to their Partner’s brand, network, relationships, and expertise. Conversely, it’s an opportunity for a Partner to invest in innovative investor entrepreneurs and shape their stories from the beginning. Seeding partnerships have become even more attractive amid a challenging fundraising environment.
GP Stakes

Source: Dyal Capital via Buyouts Insider, GP Stakes Market Growing Faster than Funds Can Invest: Blue Owl’s Rees (August 2022).
In exploring a seeding partnership, some key considerations include:
- Working capital needs to support…
- GP commitment, including long-term planning for multiple funds and broad ownership across the partnership
- Operating expenses, including but not limited to hiring plans, office space, technological enablement, and other expenses
- Strategy expansion plan
- Succession planning efforts
The building blocks of seeding or staking a manager include:
- Entitlements: gross or net of operations, inclusive of management fee and/or carried interest
- Discounts on fund commitments
- Duration and terms of equity investment
- Restrictive covenants
- Long-term partnership planning
- Liquidity rights and other investor protections

Contact Us
To learn more about TPG NEXT, including submitting your fund for consideration, please email
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